Joining different bloggers community and forums on the net is one way of promoting your blog. Aside from always publishing it on the wall of Facebook and tweeting about it on Tweeter. One of them is which I joined recently. In here, you get to meet and promote your blog to millions of other bloggers from all over the world. But other than that, meeting new friends with same interest is a plus. In that community you get to talk and express yourself about other blogs and gaining comments in return, that I could say helpful because you get to know other people's opinion about your topic, be it negative or positive. It all depends on how you accept criticism. There are also lots of newbie like me in there so no reason to be intimidated because everybody is very much welcome. Another community I've joined is which is powered by Yahoo. In this community you could join different groups which is relevant to your interest. They have also widgets that you could embed in your own blog. This is what I love about blogging. The world is widely open for you. Not just for an opportunity in making money but also in winning friends and I mean millions of friends with the same field of interest. Aside from that you would also gain "genuine traffic" to your website. I mentioned "genuine" because they wouldn't just visit your blog but they would read what you're posting and who knows they would become your followers too. Unlike on traffic exchange sites, they just surf for credits. But I'm not saying that I don't like traffic exchange sites because I owe them a lot for increasing my page views. I'm just trying to differentiate the kind of traffic they would both give to your blog. Nevertheless, they are both beneficial to you.
"A friend is one of the
nicest things you can have,
nicest things you can have,
and one of the best things you can be."
hi there lhet! i'm glad to be one of your friends in bloggers. :D
Same here...hope to know you better. :D
I am a newbie to the blogging world too. Have fun blogging.
Your post is really heart-warming.
Thank u for becoming my follower. Stay in touch! :)
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